Mountains Matter: Celebrating The International Mountain Day with Global Community Runs

The International Mountain Day is celebrated annually on 11 December to raise awareness about the vital role mountains play in sustaining life, spotlight the challenges and opportunities in mountain development, and foster alliances to drive positive change for mountain communities and ecosystems worldwide.
Mountain solutions for a sustainable future: innovation, adaptation and youth
This year’s International Mountain Day focuses on “Mountain solutions for a sustainable future: innovation, adaptation, and youth.” Mountain communities have long developed creative ways to adapt to hard environments, tackle climate change, and protect biodiversity. IMD 2024 highlights innovative solutions like climate-smart agriculture, technological advancements in conservation, and ecosystem-based approaches to disaster risk reduction. These solutions aim to build resilience, protect mountain ecosystems, and empower youth to take part in shaping sustainable futures for their communities.
Mountains are home to 15% of the world’s population and host about half of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. As climate change increases the environmental pressures on mountain regions, adaptation becomes essential. Strategies that integrate traditional knowledge with modern science can support these communities in their efforts to conserve resources and reduce vulnerability. IMD 2024 also highlights the need to empower young people, offering opportunities for quality work, training, and entrepreneurship. Their active participation is crucial to ensuring the sustainability of mountain ecosystems. Events like our community runs are part of efforts to raise awareness, connect people, and foster collaboration for the protection of mountains and their ecosystems.

To celebrate the International Mountain Day 2024, the Kilian Jornet Foundation, in collaboration with NNormal & Upclear, is organizing a series of global community runs. These events are part of the Running Minds initiative and will take place simultaneously at nine locations worldwide.
In each run we will partner with NNormal advocates, who not only are athletes but also scientists or experts in sustainability and other environmental experts. They will share their knowledge and insights about the natural or urban areas where the runs take place, creating an enriching experience for participants.
These global events will take place simultaneously across nine locations, spanning Europe and the U.S. Discussions will cover topics such as the natural values and geological risks of Parc Natural del Montseny, river conservation in Tagliamento, or the effects of permafrost degradation in Norway’s Rauma Valley.
Our global Running Minds initiative supports the goals of International Mountain Day by fostering awareness and dialogue on sustainability, innovation, and youth empowerment.
Through engaging runs and discussions, we encourage participants to explore mountain conservation solutions, share knowledge on climate adaptation strategies, and promote youth involvement. All while fostering a deeper connection to the mountain ecosystems that are vital for both local communities and global environmental health.

Join our global community run events this International Mountain Day!
By participating you will help raise awareness, share solutions, and promote sustainability for mountain ecosystems. Together, we can run for a greener, more resilient future.
Sign up now here and be part of the change!