Libros, películas, podcasts y más

Kilian Jornet Fundation
enero 2, 2021

Kilian Jornet Fundation
enero 2, 2021
- Wildreness essays, John Muir (sobre els inicis del preservacionisme)
- Walden, Henri David Thoureau (sobre els inicis del conservacionisme)
- There is no planet B, Mike Berners Lee
- How bad are bananas, Mike Berners Lee ( Una «llista» de com impacten els nostres comportaments, el que comprem que podem fer…)
- The zero marginal cost society, Jeremy Rivkin (més d’economia però tb parla de la importancia de l’economia en el canvi climàtic)
- The worlds without us, Alan Weisman (ineresant reflexió de com sería el mon sense els humans)
- The sixth extintion, Elisabeh Kolbert (com estem vivint cap a una extinció en massa, una mica depresiu però educacional)
- The end of the world, Peter Brannen (semblant a l’anterior, mirant a les extincions del passat)
- Storming the wall, Todd Miller (diferents comunitats i iniciatives al món que lluiten per el canvi climàtic)
- This radical land, Daegan Miller (sobre la história del conservacionisme i coses que s’han fet)
- Overview: A New Perspective Of Earth, Benjamin Grant
- The Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature In A Post-Wild World, Emma Marris
- This Changes Everything: Capitalism Vs Climate, Naomi Klein
- Let My People Go Surfing: The Education Of A Reluctant Businessman, Yvon Chouinard
- 2040
- An Inconvenient Sequel
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Before The Flood
- Climate Refugees
- Do The Math
- The 11th Hour
- The Age Of Consequences
- This Changes Everything
- Years of Living Dangerously (documentary tv series)
- Carbon Nation
- Catching the Sun
- Demain (Tomorrow)
- Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution Trailer
- Life Off the Grid
- The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil
- Switch: The Future of Energy
- Cross of the Moment
- Surviving Progress
- The Wisdom to Survive
- Time to Choose
- A New Economy
- Banking Nature
- Fossil Free
- The Carbon Rush
- The Corporation
- The Economics of Happiness
- Play Again
- Nature Play
- Saving My Tomorrow
- David attenborough a life on our planet
- Cowspiracy
- Sustainability Defined (sustainability)
- Think: Sustainability (intersectional sustainability)
- Sourcing Matters (food)
- Climate One (in-depth conversations)
- Stanford Social Innovation Review (social problems)
- Columbia Energy Exchange (Energy)
- The Energy Gang (current events and research)
- Autonocast (Mobility)
- Sustainababble (sustainability comedy podcast )
- Bioneers (sustainable stories)
- The Response (how different communities respond to natural disasters.)
- Drilled (climate denialism movement.)
- Containers (history of international trade and capitalism)
- Guardian‘s series on climate change
- inSostenible: (actualidad y temas diversos desde la perspectiva de la sostenibilidad)
- El Bosque Habitado: (naturaleza y literatura)
- Mangas Verdes (actualidad)
- Sostenible y Renovable
- La Luciérnaga (actualidad sobre ecología, biología y medio ambiente)
- La Madriguera: (zoología, la botánica, la geología, y las actividades física
- Ruido Blanco (Podcast de Greenpeace)
- Ecogestiona: (economía circular)
- Actualidad y Empleo Ambiental: (Medio Ambiente)Enoch Martínez, a su
- El Charco (opinión)
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